terça-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2019

Texto para interpretação e tradução em Inglês com Present Continuous.

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They are playing

Hi, Bill. Where are the boys and the girls?

What are they doing now?

Hi, Paul. The boys are playing the soccer at the club.

Charles and Rick are playing tennis.

And the girls? Where are they? Are they playing, too?

Oh, no. They're listening to music and dancing, and Beth is reading a fashion magazine.

Are your parents working?

No, They aren't. They are swimming.

1. Write True or False:

(     ) Bill is playing soccer.

(     ) Paul is talking to Bill.

(     ) The girls are listening to music.

(    ) Beth is reading a book.

(    ) Rick is playing tennis.

2. Match the columns

(I) Rick

(II) Beth

(III) The girls

(IV) The boys

a) ____________ are playing soccer.

b) ____________ are listening to music.

c) ____________ is playing tennis.

d) ___________ is reading a magazine.

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