quarta-feira, 20 de abril de 2022


 A talk with the doctor

Mr. Keith Smith is having an appointment with Dr. Judith Thompson, an ear, nose and throat specialist.
Judith: What's going on with you, Mr. Smith?
Keith: I've been snoring lately, Dr. Thompson, and this has been an unpleasant thing to my wife.
Judith: Has your wife told you about your snoring or have you woken up with apnea?
Keith: Apnea? What is this?
Judith: It's a temporary absence or a cessation of breathing. Have you had this during your sleep?
Keith: Yes, once in a while, yes.
Judith: Curious... Everything seems absolutely normal. Have you had changed your habits recently?
Keith: Well, I've been eating more than usual at dinner time. That has increased my weight in six kilos.
Judith: Hmmmm... Obesity, enlarged tonsils, chronic nasal congestion, and congenital physical abnormalities are the possible causes of snoring.
Keith: Do you think I'm an obese person? Not yet, but you've got to be careful. What do you mean?
Judith: Try to reduce your eating impulses and keep a uniform diet. Your weight will decrease and the snoring will probably disappear in a few weeks. If the symptoms persist, I will ask for an X-ray of your face.
Keith: Do I have to take any medicine?
Judith: I won't prescribe you any medicine.
Keith: Oh, thank God it's nothing serious. Thank you, Dr. Thompson.
Judith: Don't mention it.


throat— the front part of the neck, containing the pharynx and the larynx
to snore — to breathe through the mouth and nose with noise in sleep unpleasant — disagreeable
once in a while — sometimes
tonsils — the two small internal organs at the back of the mouth
to decrease — to reduce gradually
Check your reading

1. A especialidade da Dra. Judith é:

a) oftalmologia.
b) nefrologia.
c) otorrinolaringologia.
d) ortopedia.
e) geriatria

2. A disfunção física de que trata o texto provoca:
a) dores.
b) falta de apetite.
c) excesso de apetite.
d) falta de sono.
e) Desconforto

3. Dentre as informações contidas no texto, deduz-se que:
a) a apnéia é uma doença do sono.
b) a obesidade pode provocar distúrbios no sono.
c) amídalas largas causam problemas de respiração.
d) há relação entre apnéia e rouquidão.
e) a congestão nasal crônica é uma anormalidade congênita.

4. Na sentença "I've been eating more than usual", de que outra forma o trecho sublinhado poderia ser expresso?
a) I have ate
b) I've eating
c) I'm eating
d) I've eaten
e) I am eaten

5. Quais os substantivos que correspondem aos verbos breathe, prescribe, disappear?
a) breath — prescription — disappearance
b) breth — prescribing — disappearance
c) breeth — prescription — disappearment
d) braeth — prescrivition — dispparition
e) breathingly – prescition — disparition

THE ACE = GABARITO: 1) c; 2) e; 3) b; 4) d; 5) a.

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