quinta-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2022



Leia o texto e responda o que se pede:


Emily, Lisa, Marco and Matt went to the wax museum las weekend. They looked at the models of Hollywood stars, including Charlie Chaplin and a lot of others, too. They also went into the Chamber of Horrors. Then Marco bought some postcards.

After They left the max museum, They went to the aquarium, which is next door. They watched a show about dolphins. Then Emily’s dad drove them home.


1.                  Qual é o assunto/temática do texto? (Obs. Resposta em inglês, pode ser uma palavra-chave que está no próprio texto)


a)Shopping                                  b)Movies

c) Thanksgiving                         d)Visit to the museum


Leia o texto e responda o que se pede:


Kitty: Hi, guys! What are you talking about?

Jim: We’re talking about the School Cultural Week.

Allan: Ha e you attended all lectures?

Kitty: No, I haven’t. I haven’t had enough time yet.

Carol: I attended all of them. The topics were polemic and interesting: epidemic diseases, pollution, environment…

Jim: I only attended the one about epidemic diseases last Monday. It was very interesting!

Allan: And more will be discussed about epidemic diseases next week!

Kitty: I’ve read some news that epidemic diseases are spreading.

Leo: Yes, but people can prevent the spread of some

infectious diseases by doing preventive medicine, having proper treatment and being well-informed.

Carol: I’ve heard about this program that has helped

thousands of people since it started.

Jim: And what do you think about pollution?

Leo: I think it’s serious, and it’s also a huge teenage problem.

Kitty: In my opinion, there’s so much to be done to resolve such big environmental problems we face now.

Allan: Let’s go for a walk in the park and think of ways we can help save our planet.

Leo: And enjoy a milkshake?

Allan: Sure, Leo!


2.                  Qual é o assunto/temática do texto? (Obs. Resposta em inglês, pode ser uma palavra-chave que está no próprio texto)


a)School Cultural Week          b)Movies

c) Thanksgiving                         d)Visit to the museum


Leia o texto e responda o que se pede:


Galileo Galilei was born in 1564 in Italy. His Family was very musical, and he played the organ and the lute. He studied to be a doctor, but he preferred math and physics. In 1609 he made a telescope. He discovered a lot of the importante things that we know about the solar system. For example, Galileo discovered the four moons of Jupiter and also the rings of Saturn. He discovered that the planets orbit the sun. He died in 1642.


3.                  Relacione a PROFISSÃO escrita no texto com a opção correta.


a)                 mechanical                         b)nurse

c)farmer                                    d) doctor


4.                  O que Galileo Galilei descobriu no Sistema Solar?


a)eleven moons of Saturne    b)twenty suns of Earth

c)four moons of Jupiter          d)Todas as respostas.


5.                  Qual foi uma outra descoberta de Galileo Galilei?


a)the planets orbit the sun  b) Saturne’s Rings.       c)the Moon                                      d)Todas as respostas


Leia o texto e responda em inglês o que se pede:


Joana lives with a Brazilian Family. Mr. And Mrs. Viegas and their son, Marconildo. Her English classes end at eleven o’clock, and she usually goes home at Half past eleven. She does her English homework in her dining room, and then she always has Dinner with the Family at twelve o’clock. After Dinner she often watches TV series, listen to music or reads a book.


6.                  Quais são as HORAS EXATAS escritas no texto?


a)                 Eleven o’clock and twelve o’clock.

b)                 Four o’clock and Half past four.

c)                  Half past ten and five o’clock

d)                 Todas as respostas.


7.                  Leia o cartaz abaixo e responda: Qual é a informação que o livro traz sobre a autora?


a)                 She’s a program advisor of Earth Island Institute’s Brower Youth.

b)                 She’s a nurse of Earth Island Institute.

c)                  She’a a teacher of Earth Island Institute.

d)                 Todas as respostas.


Leia o texto e faça o que se pede:


Leo: Where are you going, Carol?

Carol: I’m going home.

Leo: Can I come with you? I need to talk to Jim.

Carol: Sure, Leo.

Leo: Did you go out on Sunday morning?

Carol: Yes, I went to a meeting about environmental issues. My friends belong to an organization called Water Planet. Biodiversity is in danger! If we don’t do anything, many species of animals and plants will disappear in a few years.

Leo: You’ve already been to the rainforest meetings,

haven’t you?

Carol: Yes, I have. I’m also collecting articles about global warming. They’ve said that even if the emissions of greenhouse gases were stopped today, it would take thousands of years to go back to pre-industrial levels.

So, there is much work to be done! We have to act now!

Leo: I’ve read about it. Human activity is putting more and more gases into the air. I didn’t know you were so interested in environmental issues, Carol!

Carol: Yes, I am. I’ve grown up, Leo! I’m not just Jim’s little sister anymore. I have my own opinion and fight for important causes.


8.                  What kind of environmental issues were mentioned in the dialog?


a)Destruction of biodiversity and global warming.

b) It’s the name of a natural effect that keeps Earth warm.

c) Save water, plant trees, create NGOs to care for

endangered animals.

d)Todas as respostas


9.                  What can be done to preserve the environment?


a)Destruction of biodiversity and global warming.

b) It’s the name of a natural effect that keeps Earth warm.

c) Save water, plant trees, create NGOs to care for

endangered animals.

d)Todas as respostas


Veja a imagem e responda o que se pede:

10.              São exemplos de “epidemic deseases”:

a) SIDA, IST, headache, sneeze.

b) Chikungunya, Zica, Dengue

c) war, racismo, hunger, poverty

d) Todas as respostas.

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